Dear Colleagues,
WLNC 2019, which was held between 1-3 May, in Barcelona-Spain, attracted around five hundred physicians including grantees from all over the world and around one hundred engineers and company representatives from 63 countries. It consisted of very intense, live transmissions of full range cases, from ANKARA, BUENOS AIRES, CHICAGO, ISTANBUL, LIMOGES, , SHANGHAI AND BARCELONA and panel discussions of stroke treatment by world renowned experts. During the live cases, technical tips and tricks as well as the philosophy, indications and alternative treatment techniques were discussed along with additional companion cases with the very experienced and attentive panelists /discussants from all over the world. We are thankful to all contributing centers, world-renowned panelists/discussants, sponsoring companies and all the attendees for making this event a great success.
In WLNC 2019, total of 25 complex vascular lesions were treated during the live transmissions from several centers worldwide. Many intracranial aneurysms (including dissecting, giant, fusiform and distal aneurysms in addition to saccular ones) were treated with variable techniques as indicated e.g. Different flow-diverters with different features as well as intrasaccular flow modifier devices, telescopic placement of stents and flow diverters, covered stentand various coiling techniques such as Y-stent assisted coiling, double microcatheter technique etc. Flow diverters in the treatment of MCA aneurysms and distal aneurysms were discussed thoroughly during the index case treatments. Mini flow diverters were used in two cases i.e in one distal MCA and another one at ACom (in this case, two FDs were placed in X- configuration simultaneously). Three pial AVMs were treated with different techniques that transarterial embolization, in which flow control was provided through simultaneous injections from four microcatheters/balloon microcatheter with complete occlusion in a Grade 3 AVM was witnessed; Transarterial followed by transvenous embolization occluding another Grade 3 hippocampal AVM was demonstrated. With the superiority of 4D imaging, a spinal AVF and an anterior cranial fossa dural AVF were evaluated and cured with precise planning of the endovascular approach. A variety of revascularization treatments were performed including challenging intracranial stenosis, carotid stenting with radial approach etc. Stroke panel of very experienced interventionalists from all over the world discussed the most recent issues in acute stroke treatment. As a WLNC classic, learning labs provided introduction of new products, hands-on experience and interesting lectures from well-known speakers. A taste of new technologies was shared to provide an insight to future developments.
The philosophy of our meeting is persistent with all live cases accompanied by open discussions and it rotates around the world, from one continent to the other each year. The host city for WLNC 2020 will be Washington D.C. the capital of United States, a unique city with its' attractions.
We will look forward to having all specialists of our field who are interested in seeing and discussing thoroughly the complex cases with the full range of device availability in Washington D.C. on 6-8 July, 2020.
Till seeing you all in Washington D.C. ...
WLNC Organizing Committee