We are very pleased that you are planning to attend WLNC 2019. You may need a visa to enter Spain. Because of world events, visa applications are subject to a greater degree of scrutiny than in the past. The greater scrutiny means a longer waiting period, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain recommends that you begin your visa application process well in advance of your travel dates.

  1. Any foreign visitor who wishes to enter Spain must have a passport, which will remain valid during the period of stay. In order to enter Spain, visitors usually must comply with the conditions of their visas and authorizations of resident eligibility. However, visa exemptions can be made for citizens of different countries provided that their stays are within ninety days such as with stays for sightseeing purposes and that they do not engage in activities where they earn compensation. This page provides information on short stays. Revisions in visa conditions are made periodically. Therefore, please check the "Visa” section in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain website for the latest and detailed information on visa application: http://www.exteriores.gob.es/Portal/en/ServiciosAlCiudadano/InformacionParaExtranjeros/Paginas/RequisitosDeEntrada.aspx
  2. You can download your personalized invitation letter from the registration portal after completing your registration.

The decision to grant visas belongs solely to the embassy/consulate. WLNC cannot promise that you or your colleagues will receive a visa. Likewise, WLNC cannot change the decision of the governmental agency should your application be denied. If your questions about requesting a letter are not answered here, please contact: info@wlnc.org