We are very pleased that you are planning to attend WLNC 2020. You may need a visa to enter the United States. Because of world events, visa applications are subject to a greater degree of scrutiny than in the past. The greater scrutiny means a longer waiting period, the State Department recommends that you begin your visa application process well in advance of your travel dates.

  1. Visa Requirements vary from country to country. Contact the U.S. embassy or consulate in the country where you reside to determine if you will need a visa and/or a visa support letter to visit the United States. (You may apply for a visa at any U.S. consular office, but it may be more difficult to qualify if you apply from outside your country of permanent residence.) For contact points for consular offices please visit: http://usembassy.state.gov/#AF
  2. If you need a letter, contact WLNC Organizing Secretariat with your request. WLNC will send a letter to support your visa application via email in Adobe PDF Format. Kindly note that we will only issue letters for persons who have registered and paid for an event. If you do not receive your visa in time to attend, your registration fee will not be refunded. In view of the number of requests we are receiving for visa support letters, you should make this request as soon as possible. We can't assure that we will able to provide you a letter in time if your request is made less than 5 business days before your appointment or 10 business days before the beginning of the conference.
  3. Schedule an appointment with the embassy/consulate. For more information on applying for a visa, visit the U.S. State Department Web site.

The decision to grant visas belongs solely to the U.S. embassy/consulate. WLNC can't promise that you or your colleagues will receive a visa. Likewise, WLNC can't change the decision of the governmental agency should your application be denied. If your questions about requesting a letter are not answered here, please contact: info@wlnc.org